
5 Best IT Automation Tools

We will discuss the benefits and types of automation and identify the 5 best IT automation tools, their key features, and pricing. 


Monday, June 3, 2024

5 Best IT Automation Tools

Automation helps businesses improve their workflow processes and operations.

IT automation software manages repetitive tasks without human intervention and allows IT professionals to focus on more complicated tasks. Automating certain processes minimizes human errors and ensures consistency and reliability across the IT environment.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits and types of automation. We will also identify the five best IT automation tools, their key features, and pricing. 

Benefits of IT Automation

Applying IT automation has several benefits. Here are some of them:

Increased Efficiency

Automation allows IT teams to finish more tasks in a shorter time because it reduces the need for human intervention. This allows IT professionals to focus on more important activities. They can also quickly resolve issues and improve work productivity.

For example, data backups can be scheduled to occur at off-peak hours. This secures data without manual effort. Software updates are also done automatically so that all systems are updated.

Cost Savings

Businesses can save money by cutting operational expenses associated with manual work. They can easily allocate resources to other business operations that will drive their growth. 

For instance, automating tasks such as data entry and report preparation can reduce labor costs. Additionally, automated systems can power down unused servers and equipment to lessen energy consumption and costs.

Enhanced Accuracy and Reduced Errors

Automation tools enhance testing efficiency and minimize human errors when doing repetitive tasks that are more prone to mistakes. Automated processes maintain consistency and accuracy across all operations. 

For example, using automation testing tools for routine test cases increases test coverage. Configuration management tools keep setups uniform across all systems to prevent configuration drift and related errors.

Improved Compliance and Security

Automation also helps in improving business security and compliance with industry policies and standards. Features like built-in checks and audits ensure that processes are consistently aligned with regulations. 

Automated compliance checks are done so that systems observe regulatory standards like GDPR or HIPAA and reduce the risk of fines. Moreover, the implementation of security patches immediately protects systems from possible threats.

Common Use Cases of IT Automation

IT automation is used in several areas of an organization. Here are some of the most common use cases:

Network Management

IT tools can streamline network automation and management tasks and improve performance. They configure network components, detect issues, and resolve technical problems immediately to reduce downtime and improve user experience.

Server Management

Automation performs server management and maintenance tasks such as patching and provisioning to maintain maximum server performance. Streamlining these processes helps IT teams focus on other important activities.

Application Deployment

Automation tools can handle the entire application implementation process, such as code integration, testing, and release. This ensures that installations are uniform, free from any errors, and requires minimal effort and time.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery automation lessens possible data loss. It also secures data by creating backups or restoring data immediately in case of emergencies. This automated process ensures uninterrupted business processes.

Different Types of IT Automation Tools

IT automation includes different types of tools that meet the specific needs of businesses. Some of the most common types are:

Configuration Management Tools

Configuration management tools are important for managing changes across servers, networks, and applications. They maintain consistency and compliance throughout the IT infrastructure.

These tools automate the configuration process and reduce the risk of errors to maintain system integrity.

They help IT teams implement procedures and control settings on several devices. These tools make it easier to execute updates, apply patches, and launch new configurations efficiently.

Orchestration Tools

Orchestration tools manage and organize complicated workflows and processes across all networks and systems. These tools ensure that automated tasks are executed properly and seamlessly. 

They integrate multiple systems and processes to provide more advanced automation that can improve operational efficiency.

These tools are also beneficial in environments that need coordination among different services, applications, and platforms.

Scripting and Programming Tools

Scripting and programming tools allow IT professionals to write custom scripts that automate specific tasks and processes. 

These tools offer flexibility and control and create automation solutions tailored to an organization's specific needs. 

Scripting languages and programming environments can automate several simple and complicated tasks, operations, and data processing workflows. 

Monitoring and Logging Tools

Monitoring and logging tools are important for tracking the performance and health of IT systems. These tools collect data on system metrics, application performance, and network traffic. They provide real-time insights and alerts when issues arise. 

Monitoring tools help IT teams find potential problems before they escalate. Logging tools, on the other hand, keep detailed records of system activities, which are essential for troubleshooting, auditing, and compliance purposes. 

Together, these tools can provide comprehensive oversight and management of IT environments to maintain optimal performance and reliability.

5 Best IT Automation Tools

There are many IT automation tools in the market that offer different functionalities and benefits. Here are the five best options:

1. Level

level remote monitoring and management

Key features:

  • Allows users to set up responsive triggers to automate complicated tasks
  • Efficient patch management and scripting
  • Easily integrates with other existing IT tools to avoid disruptions of operations
  • Allows increase of workloads and processes to adapt to business expansion demands
  • Robust security features to protect your IT infrastructure
  • Automate actions to key events, such as new device additions or group changes
  • Monitors system performance and deploys triggers when certain thresholds are reached
  • Schedules system updates and backups without manual intervention
  • Refines automation using a set of filters and conditionals for accurate task implementation
  • Monitors in real-time through live-view mode
  • Prevents unwanted changes by integrating user approval steps
  • Automation history to monitor all actions and changes

Pricing: Offers a 14-day free trial. Paid plans start at $20 per endpoint per month.

2. ActiveBatch


Source: ActiveBatch

Key features:

  • Manages workflows and business tasks with a comprehensive library of pre-built jobs
  • Automatic issues detection and resolution
  • Performs non-cognitive tasks without manual intervention to improve work efficiency
  • User-friendly interfaces with comprehensive and customizable features

Pricing: Pricing isn’t shown on the website. You have to request a quote.

3. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

Source: ManageEngine

Key features:

  • Handles IT incidents and requests
  • Tracks and manages IT assets and services
  • Automatically assigns tickets according to the availability of technicians
  • Conducts criteria-based actions based on a simplified workflow
  • Sends alerts to IT administrators at every step of the ticket journey

Pricing: Pricing isn’t shown on the website. You have to request a quote.

4. Microsoft System Center

Microsoft System Center

Source: Microsoft

Key features:

  • Automates tasks to minimize errors
  • Easy-to-use web portal
  • Cloud-ready Windows Server capabilities
  • Monitors health, performance, and usage across IT infrastructure
  • Quickly troubleshoot issues
  • Easy integration with Azure security and management

Pricing: Starts at $1,323 for the Standard Edition, which includes two operating system environments and unlimited Windows Server Containers.

5. Atera

atera powered by AI

Source: Atera

Key features:

  • Ensures that third-party applications are updated
  • Automates software installation, maintenance tasks, and patch management
  • Creates specific IT automation profiles
  • Keeps the IT environment secured

Pricing: Starts at $149 monthly per technician.

How to Evaluate IT Automation Tools

Here are some tips to help you evaluate IT automation tools:

Identify Your Requirements

The first step is to identify your IT needs clearly. Determine which tasks and processes you need to automate, including aspects like automated testing and security testing, and assess the scale of automation required.

List the specific integrations, such as compatibility with your existing software and hardware infrastructure, to avoid any future interruptions in operations.

This step also ensures that the tools you consider can meet your operational requirements and support your business goals.

Conduct a thorough audit of your current IT processes and systems. Find repetitive and time-consuming tasks that can be automated and outline the specific goals you want to achieve with automation, such as improved cross-browser testing capabilities or enhanced visual testing features.

Compare Features and Capabilities

Once you have understood your IT needs, you need to compare the features and capabilities of different tools.

List all the essential functionalities based on your needs and evaluate how each test automation tool measures up.

Consider factors such as usability, scalability, support, and community resources. Narrow down your choices by focusing on tools that offer the most relevant features and the best potential to integrate seamlessly with your current infrastructure.

Ensure that the tool offers the specific features you need and has an easy-to-use interface. Determine if the tool can scale with your business, support test automation, and check the availability of customer support and the presence of an active user community.

Finally, compare pricing models to find an IT solution that fits your budget.

Test and Proof of Concept

Before making a final decision, it's important to test the tools in your own environment. Most automation tools offer free trials or proof of concept (PoC) periods.

Use this chance to evaluate the tool’s performance, usability, and integration capabilities. Testing allows you to see how the tool manages tasks and whether it meets your expectations.

Create a test environment that mirrors your actual production environment. Then, run typical tasks and workflows to assess performance, test integration with existing systems and software, and conduct cross-browser testing.

Finally, collect feedback from team members who will use the tool and evaluate its documentation and support resources.

Making the Final Decision

After testing the tools, it’s time to make the final decision.

Choose the tool that offers the greatest value, meets your budget, and aligns with your business goals. It is also important to consider long-term factors such as scalability, support, and future upgrades.

Your choice should be based on a comprehensive assessment of how well the tool meets your needs and its performance in your business operations. Consider the overall value, not just the price, and ensure the tool supports your strategic business objectives.

Pick a tool that can adapt to future needs and technological advancements. Gather feedback from all stakeholders who tested the tool and ensure it can handle ongoing test automation and security testing requirements.

Best Practices for Successful Implementation

  1. Start a pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool. Then, expand its use across more workflows and systems.
  2. Perform continuous testing, assess the performance of the tool regularly, and make the necessary adjustments.
  3. Conduct regular training for your team to keep their skills updated with new updates and features.
  4. Document all the automatic processes and workflows for easy troubleshooting, scaling, and onboarding of new IT personnel.

Simplify Your IT Management with Level

Level automation remote management tool

Level allows you to take advantage of modernized remote access, enhanced automation, and a suite of tools that will elevate your service capabilities. 

Whether you're looking to improve efficiency, strengthen security, or expand your service offerings, Level provides the technology to make it happen.

Book a demo or try Level free for 14 days right now!

FAQs About IT Automation Tools

What are IT automation tools?

Automation tools are IT solutions that automate repetitive tasks.  These tools improve the productivity and consistency of business operations. They streamline several processes to complete tasks accurately and efficiently without manual intervention.

How do IT automation tools work?

Automation tools use scripts and predefined rules to automate several processes. These tasks include the maintenance of servers and the implementation of applications. They automate tasks based on specific triggers and schedules to reduce the need for human intervention and minimize errors.

How can IT automation tools improve security?

IT automation tools improve security by automatically implementing security patches, conducting regular compliance checks, and monitoring for possible threats. This approach helps secure systems from cyber-attacks and ensures compliance with industry standards.

What should I look for in an automation testing tool?

When selecting an automation testing tool, consider its compatibility with your existing infrastructure, ease of use, and scalability. Ensure it supports various types of testing, such as functional and performance testing, and offers robust reporting features. Also, check for an active support community and comprehensive documentation to assist with troubleshooting and best practices.

What are the benefits of web testing automation?

Web testing automation allows you to run tests more frequently and consistently across different browsers and devices. This ensures that web applications function correctly for all users. It helps identify issues early, reduces the time required for regression testing, and increases the overall quality and reliability of web applications.

Level: Simplify IT Management

At Level, we understand the modern challenges faced by IT professionals. That's why we've crafted a robust, browser-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that's as flexible as it is secure. Whether your team operates on Windows, Mac, or Linux, Level equips you with the tools to manage, monitor, and control your company's devices seamlessly from anywhere.

Ready to revolutionize how your IT team works? Experience the power of managing a thousand devices as effortlessly as one. Start with Level today—sign up for a free trial or book a demo to see Level in action.